Please help me, will you help me
I don't know what to do
please help me, will you save me
from falling in love with you
There would be no problem
if the singular were in use
but in your case it's the plural
that is causing me my mind to lose!
Please help me, will you help me
I don't know what to do
it's not just one Indonesian
but the whole bang lot of you
Every hand I shake, every smile I see
every laugh I share, everyone I greet
I stagger, I swoon, I crumple, I fall
into a jelly heap.
Please help me, will you help me
Can you tell me what to do
I fall in love on every corner
every day, anew
You're so sexy and delicious
passionate, outrageous
intelligent, good looking and good cooks too!
I want the world to share in my discovery
at the same time I want to keep you all just for me!
And my friends think I've gone crazy
my friends think I've gone mad
'cos I'm always getting on a plane
for that Indonesia land
And my friends they can call me names
I don't care; indogroupy, indohag, indonesian handbag
And my government is scared of a terrorist attack
but the only terror that I have is of never coming back!
Please help me, will you help me
I don't know what to do
I've fallen, really fallen
for the whole bang lot of you
so when you see me standing in the street
with tears in my eyes
I'm not sad, I'm just happy
my dreams to realise
To finally meet a people so generous and kind
who stimulate my body and excite my mind
and there's only one question, now I have to ask;
dear Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, God, Buddha
Am I dreaming?
If so, please let this dream last.
(c) Jan Cornall Jakarta 2005
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